
Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well, I just finished one of the most complex walk cycles I have ever contemplated. It only took me three attempts too...

Here is the lovely rig...

Now, there are in fact doubles of each leg there. That is because they are multi-jointed and a simple RP solver doesn't work. Instead, each leg has both an ikSpring solver and ikSpline solver applied to them, causing them to bend correctly. It does however limit them to smaller movements and doesn't allow for more extreme motions, as a normal knee rig would. It is still ok for walking motion though.

The actual walk cycle was easy once I realised that I should treat two sets of three legs as I would normally treat each individual leg for a biped. After I set up two opposing cycles for each of the three legs it was simply a matter of moving them laterally so that they didn't interfere with each other. Easy!

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